Sudanese, Darfur Rebels Attend Brief Session of Peace Talks

Abdul Waheed Mohammed, leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement addresses the gathering at peace talks in Abuja

Representatives of Sudan's government and rebels in west Sudan's Darfur region are to resume formal talks in Nigeria on Monday, aimed at ending two years of civil war.

The talks are mediated by the African Union.

AU officials say the first item on the agenda will be the draft declaration of principle to end the violence in Darfur. The declaration calls for power sharing, wealth sharing and investigation of human rights offenders.

The two sides briefly met Sunday after a meeting the day before was derailed by a dispute over the presence of Eritrea and Chad at the talks.

The Sudanese government rejects Eritrea while the rebels object to Chad's presence.

More than 180,000 people have died in the Darfur conflict, and another two million have been displaced.

Some information for this report provided by AFO and Reuters.