Clinton Addresses Community Volunteers in South Africa

Former US President Bill Clinton, center, is photographed with a group of young volunteers at the Nelson Mandela Foundation in Johannesburg
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton addressed a crowd of young South African community volunteers Tuesday during the third stop of his African tour.

Mr. Clinton was mobbed during his visit with City Year participants. Volunteers and officials crowded around the former U.S. president to take pictures and get autographs.

Mr. Clinton is in South Africa as part of a six-nation African tour to check on AIDS projects funded by his foundation.

Later, he had lunch with former South African president Nelson Mandela to celebrate his 87th birthday.

On Wednesday, Mr. Clinton will be in Tanzania, where he is expected to announce a new HIV and AIDS fellowship designed for medical professionals to help expand treatment in rural areas.

Mr. Clinton travels next to Kenya and Rwanda.

Some information for this report provided by AP.