US, Afghan Soldiers Among 13 Killed in Afghanistan

The U.S. military in Afghanistan says one of its soldiers, an Afghan serviceman and 11 insurgents were killed in heavy fighting Monday in southern Uruzgan province.

A military statement described how a group of 15 to 30 militants attacked a coalition patrol with guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. It added that U.S. fighter jets and helicopters responded to the attack and pounded militant positions.

In addition to those killed, three American troops and an Afghan soldier were wounded. Eight insurgents were captured and a number of weapons seized.

Also today, in Kabul, three Afghan policemen were wounded when a bomb exploded at a checkpoint on a road to the city's airport.

And, in eastern Khost province, another blast wounded a pro-government Muslim cleric who the day before had spoken out against the ousted Taleban regime in a radio interview.

Some information provided by AP and AFP.