Iran Rejects European Nuclear Proposal

Iran has rejected Europe's proposal for ending the deeply divisive standoff over Tehran's controversial nuclear program, saying it is unacceptable and below Iran's "minimum expectations."

A Foreign Ministry spokesman announced Iran's decision Saturday and said authorities in Tehran would formally notify the Europeans of Iran's position within days.

Despite the rejection, the spokesman said Iran would like to continue dialogue on the matter.

Diplomats from Britain, France and Germany had sought Friday to entice Iran into a binding commitment not to build nuclear weapons by offering to provide fuel and other long-term support to help the country generate electricity with nuclear energy.

The United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has set an emergency meeting for Tuesday to warn Tehran not to resume uranium enrichment activities at its Isfahan nuclear plant.

IAEA monitors will travel to Iran this week to begin inspections at the plant.

Some information for this story provided by Reuters and AFP.