Morocco, Turkey Arrest Computer Worm Suspects

Authorities in Morocco and Turkey have arrested two men blamed for unleashing a computer worm that disrupted networks across the United States last week.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation said Friday it had received news of the arrests of 18-year-old Farid Essebar in Morocco and 21-year-old Atilla Ekici in Turkey.

An FBI official says Mr. Essebar is suspecting of creating the worm and selling it to Mr. Ekici. The two are also blamed for a similar computer attack earlier this year.

The worm shut down computers at several U.S. media companies and other firms last week.

U.S. officials said they worked closely with authorities in the two countries and the maker of the affected computer systems, Microsoft, to locate the men.

The FBI says the two suspects face prosecution in their native countries.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.