Faith is All that Some Evacuees Have

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, victims are trying to rebuild their lives piece by piece. Though many they are left without material possessions, the survivors cling to one thing they haven't lost -- their faith.

Not much is left in the wake of Hurricane Katrina except destruction and crushed spirits. Communities are dealing with the wipeout of an entire region and people are trying to begin to rebuild their lives.

In the face of hopelessness, many people cling to their faith to make sense of the disaster.

Terrance Houston, an evacuee says, "Faith is all we have to hang on to at this point in time. So we know if we just keep the faith, the Lord's going to open the doors to us."

The generous contributions from area churches, synagogues and mosques are a testament to the healing power of love. One pastor transformed his Alabama church school into housing for more than 100 evacuees. Other churches are also providing supplies, shelter and comfort.

Raymond Arroyo was able to escape in time with his family, although everything they own is gone. The world's sympathy and support gives him the strength to go on. "There is that love that you feel from the rest of the country. And that will get many of these people through. That's all we have right now."

Tasha Cain safely fled New Orleans with her mother and children. Even though the floodwaters ravaged everything she owns, Tasha believes she hasn't lost the things she cherishes the most. "I have no resentments. My kids are safe, and I'm safe. The Lord has blessed me."

And for thousands of people affected by Katrina, faith is the only thing that sustains them in the midst of confusion and anger.

Father Francis Mary of the Franciscan Missionary believes that when the dust settles, the beauty of God will be revealed. "He will be there. Nothing goes by Him. And He will draw good out of all these, very objectively, evil acts that have been happening."