France Indicates Iran Could be Referred for U.N. Sanctions

France has indicated it would support referring Iran to the U.N. Security Council for possible sanctions, if Tehran fails to meet its obligations for nuclear non-proliferation.

French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, speaking at a United Nations summit of world leaders, did not mention Iran by name. But he said such a referral for sanctions is "legitimate" once dialogue has been exhausted.

President Bush, in an address to the General Assembly, said countries that sponsor terrorism and pursue weapons of mass destruction must be sent a message that they will not be allowed to threaten world peace.

The United States accuses Iran of using its nuclear program to develop atomic weapons -- a charge Tehran has repeatedly denied. Washington is pushing to have Iran referred to the Security Council.

The European Union has warned Iran to stop uranium processing and enrichment activities or face referral to the Security Council.

Some information in the story provided by AFP.