World Leaders Set Goals to Reform UN, Fight Poverty

World leaders are concluding a three-day summit at the United Nations Friday, with a declaration of goals to reform the world body and alleviate global poverty.

The document includes proposals on preventing genocide, fighting poverty and hunger, and establishing a Peacebuilding Commission. But it omits measures on disarmament and language fighting terrorism because of disagreements among members.

King Abdullah of Jordan said Friday that global efforts toward peace must include zero tolerance toward those who promote extremism. He added that Jordan does not endorse extremist interpretations of Islam and wants to promote a more moderate approach.

Australian Prime Minister John Howard said his country welcomes President Bush's pledge to eliminate trade barriers in order to lift people out of poverty.

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin - speaking in both English and French - said he was disappointed with the lack of progress at the summit on reforming the U.N. Human Rights Commission.