NY Times:  Widespread Hunger Strike at Guantanamo Worries Military Commanders

The New York Times says a widespread hunger strike at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is posing a serious challenge to military commanders there.

Lawyers representing the detainees say as many as 200 prisoners have refused food in recent weeks. They are protesting conditions at the camp and their prolonged confinement without being charged.

A U.S. military spokesman said last week there are 131 detainees taking part in the hunger strike.

The New York Times says senior military officials at Guantanamo have been unable to end the hunger strike and are worried about their ability to control the situation.

The hunger strike is the second this year at Guantanamo. It began in August after some detainees reported witnessing the abuse of a prisoner.

The U.S. military says it is holding some 500 enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay. Most were captured in Afghanistan, and some have been held for nearly four years. Most prisoners are suspected of having ties to al-Qaida or the Taleban.

Some information fir this story provided by AP.