Hijacked UN-chartered ship Arrives in Somali Port

Somali gunmen who hijacked a ship carrying food aid for tsunami victims have let it dock near the capital, Mogadishu, two months after the vessel's capture.

A U.N. World Food Program spokeswoman confirmed Monday that the U.N.-chartered ship had arrived at El-Maan.

The WFP had negotiated with El-Maan port authorities to ensure a free passage of the food aid to Somalia's transitional government for distribution.

However some reports cast doubt over whether the gunmen, who are still aboard the ship, will allow the cargo to be handed over to Somali officials.

The ship and its 10-member crew were hijacked as it sailed from Kenya to Somalia in June. The WFP had hired the Kenyan vessel to carry 850 metric tons of rice donated by Japan and Germany.

Some information for this story provided by AFP and Reuters.