Muslim Convert Sentenced in Britain for Possessing Terrorist Materials

A London court has sentence a Muslim convert to 15 years in prison for possession of materials useful to terrorists.

Andrew Rowe was arrested in 2003 on the French side of the Channel Tunnel with a code book for terrorism and notes on details for making mortars.

Another London court ordered Ethiopian-born Hussain Osman, also known as Hamdi Issac, held in custody until December 8, in connection with the failed series of bombings on London's transit system July 21. He was extradited from Italy Thursday.

Meanwhile, service at Manchester airport was briefly disrupted as police arrested a suspect seen acting suspiciously in the area where aircraft are parked. Authorities carried out a controlled explosion on a suspicious package he was carrying, but it contained no explosives. Authorities ordered the suspect to undergo mental health testing.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.