Russian Envoy: Kim Jong-Il Confirms Renunciation of Nuclear Weapons Program

A Russia envoy says North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has confirmed Pyongyang will not develop nuclear weapons and continues to support the six-party agreement reached last month.

Russia's Interfax news agency says presidential envoy Konstantin Pulikovsky just returned from North Korea's 60th anniversary celebrations for the founding of the country's communist party.

The agency quotes Mr. Pulikovsky as saying he met with the North Korean leader, and he clearly confirmed his country's renunciation of nuclear weapons.

The Russian envoy also reported the 63-year-old leader is in excellent health, saying "he is lively and joyful."

North Korea agreed last month during six-nation talks in Beijing to abandon its nuclear weapons program in return for economic aid, energy assistance and security assurances.

The next round of talks is scheduled for November.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.