US Investigating Alleged Soldier Desecration of Bodies in Afghanistan

The U.S. military says it is investigating allegations that American soldiers in Afghanistan burned the bodies of two dead Taleban fighters and then used the act to taunt other Islamic militants.

An Australian television network broadcast a video late Wednesday that purportedly showed U.S. soldiers burning the bodies on October 1, outside a southern village near the former Taleban stronghold of Kandahar.

In the video, two soldiers from what was reported to be a U.S. Army psychological operations unit later read messages calling the Taleban "cowardly dogs" for allowing their fighters to be laid down facing West and burned. The Muslim faith prohibits cremation.

The messages were reportedly broadcast to the village, which was believed to be harboring Taleban fighters.

The U.S. Central Command said desecration, abuse or inappropriate treatment of enemy combatants violate U.S. policies as well as the Geneva Convention.

Some information for this report provided by AP.