New Ivory Coast PM Pledges to Restore Trust

Ivory Coast's new transitional prime minister, Charles Konan Banny, says he hopes to restore trust in the divided country.

Mr. Banny made the comment after meeting with President Laurent Gbagbo in Abidjan late Monday, one day after his appointment by African mediators.

VOA's West Africa correspondent Nico Colombant says Mr. Banny is expected to meet with outgoing Prime Minister Seydou Diarra Tuesday.

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has urged Mr. Banny's government to immediately begin implementing a transition plan designed to lead to new elections by next October.

A U.N. resolution gives the new prime minister expanded authority to carry out electoral reforms and push for rebel disarmament.

Mr. Banny is governor of West Africa's central bank. African mediators appointed him prime minister on Sunday, ending a deadlock between Mr. Gbagbo, opposition leaders and rebels.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters.