5 Iraqis Killed in Attacks in Baghdad 

Iraqi officials say at least five people were killed and several others wounded Monday in two separate insurgent attacks in Baghdad.

They say the attacks, involving one suicide car bombing, took place in a southern district of Baghdad and that they were aimed at senior police and government officials.

An Iraqi militant group (the Islamic Army of Iraq) posted a video on the Internet today that showed a blindfolded man being shot in the back of the head. (The pictures did not show the victim's face.) The group claimed the killing was of American hostage Ronald Allen Schultz, who was abducted earlier this month.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military says eight high-level detainees from the former Iraqi regime have been freed. A spokesman (Lt. Col. Barry Johnson) said the men were freed Saturday, after a board found that they were no longer security threats.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.