US Frees Iraq's Dr. Germ, Mrs. Anthrax

The U.S. military has released some high-level detainees from Saddam Hussein's former regime, including two scientists known as "Dr. Germ" and "Mrs. Anthrax."

An Iraqi lawyer said Monday Rihab Taha and Huda Saleh Mahdi Amash were among 24 people freed. The U.S. military put the number of high-value detainees released at eight. Officials say the detainees were freed after a board found they were no longer a security threat.

Meanwhile, at least five people were killed in two insurgent attacks aimed at senior police and government officials in Baghdad Monday. And the US military says a Marine was killed in action in Ramadi Sunday.

And an Iraqi militant group posted a video on the Internet it says shows the killing of American hostage Ronald Allen Schultz, who was abducted this month. But the video does not show the victim's face.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.