Reports: Italian Authorities Monitoring Possible Terrorist Threats to Olympics

Italian authorities responsible for security at the Turin winter Olympics reportedly are monitoring the activities of "numerous" people suspected of possible links to terrorist groups.

An Italian police official is quoted as saying extensive surveillance operations are under way, with most operations aimed at suspected Islamic extremists and terrorist groups.

The police official Luigi Rinella is Italy's liaison to the U.S. government on security matters. He told a reporter for Associated Press Tuesday that surveillance operations in advance of the Turin games' opening in February also are aimed at anti-globalization protesters and anarchists.

Mr. Rinnela denied a report published earlier this week in the newspaper USA Today that quoted him as saying Italian investigators are monitoring the movements of 700 people, but he said surveillance is aimed at "numerous targets of interest."

Earlier this month, Italy's interior minister said a security plan calling for deployment of nearly 10,000 police in Turin is in place, although there are no clear signs of any terrorist activity aimed at the games.

The winter Olympics, beginning on February 10, will involve 2,500 athletes and are expected to draw up to one million spectators.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.