WHO Official: Turkish Bird Flu Outbreak Can be Easily Controlled

The head of a World Health Organization team investigating Turkey's bird flu outbreak says he believes it can be easily brought under control.

Guenael Rodier said Tuesday there is no evidence the disease is being spread by human-to-human contact. He said the outbreak appears to be similar to what has happened in Asia -- small family groups coming into contact with infected birds.

But health officials worry the growing number of human cases increases the chance of the H5N1 strain mutating into a human strain that can lead to a worldwide pandemic.

Turkish health officials Tuesday confirmed a 15th case of bird flu while Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan assured the nation and Turkey's neighbors that the outbreak is under control.

Bird flu has killed a Turkish teenager, his sister, and 76 Asians since 2003.

Some information for this report provided by AP, Reuters and AFP..