Former UN Chief Recommends Continued Involvement in Haiti

Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has recommended the United Nations extend its mission in Haiti through February 2008.

In a report issued Tuesday, Mr. Annan said the primary responsibility for socio-economic development and building security is with Haiti's leadership and people. But he said international help remains essential.

Meanwhile, the Haitian-born spokeswoman for new U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon tells the Associated Press she hopes to use her office to publicize human rights abuses around the world, but especially in her home country.

Former broadcast journalist Michele Montas and her husband, Jean Dominique, were persecuted in Haiti for reports critical of the government. Dominique was assassinated in 2000. Montas survived two attempts on her life before going into exile.

She told the Associated Press she remains mindful of her Haitian identity and hopes to return to her homeland someday. But she said that is not possible now.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.