Coalition Forces Kill Four Gunmen in Baghdad Raid

The U.S. military in Iraq says coalition forces killed four terrorists and detained a fifth gunman during a raid early Saturday targeting sites in Baghdad used to make roadside bombs.

A military statement says troops chased five armed men who fled the scene of the raid, and four were killed after refusing to surrender. A fifth gunman was found hiding in a ditch.

Meanwhile, Iraqi authorities say Baghdad's police chief survived a car bomb attack on his motorcade in the capital Saturday. The blast killed one person and wounded six other people, including three police officers.

In southern Iraq, authorities say they found the bodies of two Iraqi interpreters who were kidnapped Friday along with an American contractor near Basra. The unidentified contractor is still missing.

A U.S. embassy spokesman in Baghdad Louis Fintor told VOA he could not confirm the abduction, but says embassy officials are investigating reports that an American citizen was kidnapped near Basra.

Some informaton for this report was provided by AFP and AP