Polls Show Public Disapproval of Iraq Policy

Several news polls show the American public mostly disapproves of President Bush's policy in Iraq.

Polls conducted by ABC and CBS news after Mr. Bush's address to the nation Wednesday on his new Iraq strategy found that fewer than 40 percent of those surveyed approve of his plan to send more than 20,000 additional troops to Iraq.

The CBS poll shows that about half of Americans surveyed believe success in Iraq is still unlikely. The ABC poll found that 57 percent of Americans think the United States is losing the war in Iraq, a new high for the poll.

Meanwhile, the Associated Press-Ipsos poll found a slight increase to 32 percent in the public's opinion of how Congress is handling its job. According to the poll, the president also has a 32-percent approval rating, a new low for Mr. Bush in the poll.

The surveys have a margin of error ranging from plus or minus three to five percent.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.