Bush: Adding More American Troops is Best Option for Iraq

President Bush says he has examined all proposals for Iraq and that adding more American troops is his best option.

Mr. Bush made the comment in an interview in New York Wednesday with the U. S. broadcaster Fox News.

He said failure in Iraq would create chaos and embolden terrorists to strike in the United States. He also rejected setting a timetable for withdrawal, saying the terrorists would then be able to adjust.

Mr. Bush said the positive news about the U.S. economy is being overshadowed by developments out of Iraq.

On Iran, Mr. Bush said diplomatic efforts are continuing in trying to convince Tehran to abandon its nuclear program. The United States and other Western countries accuse Iran of seeking a nuclear weapon, a charge Tehran denies.

Also in the interview, Mr. Bush expressed concern about democratic institutions in Venezuela. He said he is worried that the impending nationalization of industry there will make it harder for Venezuelans to lift out of poverty and realize their potential.

On another subject, Mr. Bush said the first responders of the attacks of September 11, 2001, should have healthcare.

While in New York, Mr. Bush also met privately with Caesar Borja, junior, 21, whose father died waiting for a lung transplant.

Borja's father was a police officer who spent months working in the World Trade Center site after the 2001 terrorist attacks. The younger Borja believes his father's illness was directly related to his work at the site.