IAEA Cuts Iran Aid Projects by Half

The United Nations nuclear agency has suspended nearly half of its technical aid projects to Iran.

A review disclosed Friday by the International Atomic Energy Agency found that almost half of its 55 projects with Iran would be affected. The agency is trying to comply with U.N. sanctions placed on Tehran, because of its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment.

The report will get a formal hearing at an IAEA meeting in March.

In a related development, the organizers of a Munich security conference say Iran's top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, will attend after all. Earlier today, the organizers and Iranian officials said Larijani would not be able to attend because of illness.

Larijani is expected to discuss the nuclear issue with German and European Union officials in Munich on Saturday and Sunday.

Larijani was also supposed to hold talks with the IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei Friday in Vienna, but those talks were canceled.

In December, the U.N. Security Council imposed sanctions on Iran after it failed to meet a deadline to halt the sensitive nuclear enrichment work.

The U.S. and other Western powers accuse Iran of trying to build an atomic weapon, but Iran denies the claim, saying its nuclear program is only for peaceful purposes.