Four Afghan Police Officers Killed in Taleban Ambush

Authorities in Afghanistan say Taleban fighters ambushed a police patrol in the southern province of Kandahar late Friday, killing four police officers and wounding three.

Police said the ambush occurred in the Panjwayi district. There was no information about Taleban casualties.

The police chief of southern Helmand province said Friday that NATO war planes bombarded a militant hideout during clashes in the Sangin district Thursday, killing 10 Taleban fighters.

Some reports say a Taleban commander was killed, while other reports say he was wounded in the clashes with NATO and Afghan forces.

NATO did not confirm the number of Taleban casualties, but said no NATO troops were killed in the fighting.

Militant attacks are frequent in restive Kandahar and Helmand provinces.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.