Bush Hails Diplomacy in Terror Fight

U.S. President Bush says defeating terrorism ultimately depends on offering a more hopeful vision for the future. VOA White House Correspondent Scott Stearns has the story.

President Bush says American diplomacy is critical to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens in the global fight against terrorism.

"Terrorist enemies follow an ideology of hatred and death," he said. "In the long run, the only way to defeat them is to offer a vision that is hopeful and positive and optimistic."

The president spoke at the ceremonial swearing-in of Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, who served as director of national intelligence for the past two years. Before that he was America's ambassador to Iraq and to the United Nations.

Mr. Bush says Negroponte will act as the chief operating officer at the State Department, working with Condoleezza Rice and the heads of other federal agencies to ensure that America speaks with one voice.

Mr. Bush praised Negroponte's work as director of national intelligence, work that the president says helped improve the ability to collect and analyze information.

"One of my regrets is that in him coming back to the State Department is that he won't be in the Oval Office every morning to share his wisdom with me," added Mr. Bush. "He has plenty of wisdom to share. I strongly urge the young Foreign Service officers to get on his calendar so he can explain to you how best to do your job. I did the same thing."

Negroponte travels to Japan, China, and South Korea later this week to discuss the fight against terrorism and the situations in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and North Korea.