Canadian Detainee Allowed to Make First Call from Guantanamo

A Canadian detainee at the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has been allowed to call his family for the first time in nearly five years.

Omar Khadr, who was raised in Afghanistan, is accused of killing an American soldier while fighting alongside the Taleban. He is now 20 years old.

Khadr's mother said he told her in a nearly hour-long conversation Tuesday that he does not plan to attend his upcoming trial, because he believes the process will not be fair.

The Pentagon is preparing criminal charges against Khadr, but no hearing has been scheduled.

Khadr had not been permitted to speak with his family since he was brought from Afghanistan to the Guantanamo detention center nearly five years ago.

The military rarely permits detainees at Guantanamo Bay to contact their family by phone for security reasons.

There are currently about 385 detainees being held at the controversial Guantanamo detention center.

Some information for this report was provided by AP.