US Senator Call for Probe of Alleged Abuse

Two U.S. senators are calling for an investigation into a suspected terrorist's claims that he was physically abused while he was held in secret CIA prisons.

Democrat Carl Levin and Republican Lindsey Graham observed the March 10 military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The suspected al-Qaida operative confessed to planning the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, and several other terrorist plots. During the hearing, Mohammed issued a written statement alleging he had been mistreated before he was transferred to Guantanamo.

In a joint statement issued Friday, Levin and Graham said it "would reflect poorly" on the United States if Mohammed's allegations were not investigated.

Military officials in charge of the hearing say the allegations were being submitted to the appropriate authorities.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.