Truck Bomb in Northern Iraq Kills 13

Iraqi police say a suicide truck-bomb attack has killed at least 13 people and wounded more than 135 others in the northern city of Kirkuk.

Authorities say the attacker rammed his truck into a police compound near a school Monday and detonated his explosives.

U.S. troops were visiting the police compound, and the U.S. military says one American soldier was killed in the blast.

In other news, a U.S. official says President Bush and Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have agreed that the current security plan for the the capital Baghdad and other areas of Iraq must be carried out until "lasting success can be achieved."

National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe says President Bush told Mr. Maliki by videoconference that he supports Iraq's government.

Also Monday, the U.S. military said two American soldiers were killed in combat in volatile Anbar province, west of the capital.

Meanwhile, the U.S. military said coalition forces killed six terrorists and detained 10 suspects Sunday and Monday during operations targeting couriers and car-bomb cells operated by the terror group al-Qaida in Iraq.

U.S. Senator John McCain, who is seeking the Republican Party's presidential nomination, said during an unannounced visit to Iraq Sunday that the new U.S. strategy of sending more forces to Iraq is working.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.