Pakistan: Tribesmen Kill 40 Foreign Militants in South Waziristan

Pakistani officials say armed tribesmen have killed more than 40 foreign militants in the latest fighting along Pakistan's western border with Afghanistan.

The officials say many Uzbeks were among those killed or captured Wednesday in Pakistan's South Waziristan region.

Local residents say more than 1,000 heavily-armed tribesmen have joined the offensive against the foreign fighters. They say tribal elders called the men to battle Tuesday by beating traditional war drums in the main town of Wana.

Fighting between Pakistani tribesmen and foreign fighters erupted last month after militants tried to kill a pro-government tribal leader.

The tribesmen had previously given refuge to the foreign militants, many of whom fled a U.S.-led offensive in Afghanistan in 2001.

Pakistan's government says the new tribal offensive vindicates its strategy of relying on tribesmen to combat foreign militants, rather than the army.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.