NATO General: Afghanistan Likely to See Increase in Bomb Attacks

A top NATO general says Afghanistan is likely to see an increase in the number of suicide and roadside bomb attacks by Taleban rebels.

NATO Commander General Dan McNeill called the attacks an act of desperation. He said they show the Taleban is unable to take on NATO forces.

General McNeill told reporters Thursday in Kabul that he is confident NATO forces will win its fight against Taleban insurgents.

He says NATO's 36,000 multinational troops are now in a better position than they were last year when insurgent attacks increased dramatically.

Last month, NATO forces launched Operation Achilles with 4,500 NATO troops and 1,000 Afghan soldiers to recapture areas held by militants in southern Helmand province.

The military commander described the pre-emptive strike as a good "first punch."

In 2006, a resurgent Taleban movement carried out the highest number of suicide bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan since U.S.-led forces ousted the Taleban government in November 2001.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.