Afghan Officials Dispute Accounts that 200 Taleban Are Surrounded in South

Afghan government and security officials say Afghan forces have surrounded more than 200 Taleban insurgents in the south.

Provincial officials say the militants have been trapped in Uruzgan province since Sunday.

But an Afghan regional commander, General Rahmetullah Raufi, said there is no campaign to surround insurgents there. And a spokesman for NATO said he has no information about fighting in Uruzgan.

Despite the opposing accounts, Afghan officials say a key Taleban commander, Mullah Dadullah, might be among the trapped militants.

But a Taleban spokesman disputes this, saying Dadullah is not even in Uruzgan.

In a separate development in the south, General Raufi Tuesday said Afghan and NATO forces clashed with Taleban insurgents in Zabul province. He said 11 Taleban militants were killed. He added that there were no casualties among Afghan or NATO troops.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.