Troops in Afghanistan Raid Suspected Terrorist Cell

The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan says its forces have raided a suspected terrorist cell in the country's east, killing six people.

The coalition says it had received information that the cell in Nangarhar province was planning car bombings, and that during the raid Sunday, coalition and Afghan forces opened fire only after shots were fired at them.

The coalition says four of the victims were Taleban militants and the other two were female civilians. Local police say at least five of the victims were civilians.

After the raid, hundreds of angry villagers blocked a main road to protest the attack.

Last month, U.S. Marines killed eight civilians in Nangarhar when the troops opened fire on a crowd after their convoy was attacked by a suicide car bomber.

Over the past year, militants loyal to the extremist Taleban group have carried out the highest number of suicide bombings and other attacks in Afghanistan since a U.S.-led invasion drove the Taleban from power 2001.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is to fly to Turkey Sunday to meet Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf to discuss cross-border security and other issues.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.