Cheney to Hold Talks With Jordan's King Abdullah

U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney is due to meet with Jordan's King Abdullah Monday for talks on Iraq and other regional issues.

Cheney's visit to Jordan is expected to mark his last stop on a Mideast tour in which he has been seeking support for efforts to stabilize Iraq.

On Sunday, the vice president met in Cairo with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. An advisor to Cheney called the talks wide-ranging. Cheney also met with Egyptian Defense Minister Mohamed Hussein Tantawi.

Cheney has also stopped in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on his Mideast tour. In addition to Iraq, his talks with regional leaders have been aimed at countering what he calls Iran's move to dominate the region.

During his visits, Cheney has pledged the United States and other nations will stand together to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons and dominating the Middle East. Iran denies it is trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.