US Military Announces Deaths of 5 Americans Troops in Iraq

The U.S. military says five more American troops have been killed in Iraq.

The military said one soldier died Saturday in a roadside bomb attack south of Baghdad, while the other four were killed Friday in the Iraqi capital and al-Anbar province.

In other news, the U.S.-led Multi-National Force in Iraq has widened the search for three kidnapped American soldiers. The military said coalition forces detained nine people near Amiriyah suspected of being involved in the May 12 attack.

Meanwhile, officials in Diyala province say Sunni militants dressed in Iraqi army uniforms forced Kurdish villagers out of their homes near the Iranian border and killed 15 of them. The head of the Iraqi border forces in Diyala blamed the attack on an al-Qaida-led group, the Islamic State of Iraq.

Also, British Prime Minister Tony Blair made a farewell appearance in Baghdad Satruday, visiting the heavily fortified Green Zone. Three mortar rounds hit the secure area today, injuring one person.

Mr. Blair said he discussed with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and President Jalal Talabani how to bring about political reconciliation.

Mr. Blair, who steps down as prime minister in June, said he has no regrets about Britain's role in the U.S.-led invasion that removed Saddam Hussein from power.

Also, the U.S. military said coalition forces on Friday detained two people in Baquba allegedly associated with the command network of al-Qaida in Iraq.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.