Israel Says 1 Civilian Killed, 1 Wounded in Palestinian Rocket Attack

Authorities in Israel say a Palestinian rocket attack early Sunday killed one civilian and wounded another in the southern Israeli town of Sderot.

Officials and media reports say one of two rockets fired at the town struck a car, wounding a man in his mid-30s, who later died in a hospital.

Israeli authorities say Palestinians in the Gaza Strip launched two other rockets at Sderot earlier in the day, but there were no casualties.

Reports say Hamas militants claimed responsibility for the rocket attacks.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert once again vowed Sunday to continue military action to put an end to the Hamas attacks, saying no one involved in terror is immune.

Israeli airstrikes overnight Saturday in Gaza targeted security posts of the militant group, Hamas. An earlier series of Israeli air strikes Saturday killed at least five Hamas militants and wounded 10 others.

Israel's army says the Palestinians have fired at least 220 rockets since May 15.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.