Militants Kill 13 at Official's House in Northwest Pakistan

Pakistani officials say suspected pro-Taleban militants have stormed the house of a government official in northwestern Pakistan, killing 13 people and wounding two others.

Authorities say the militants used rifles and rockets to attack the house in Tank district before dawn Thursday.

The house belongs to Pir Attique Gilani, an Islamic cleric and his brother Ameerud Din, who is a top administrator of a tribal region Khyber in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province.

Officials say neither brother was in the house at the time of the attack. But, they say a third brother Pir Aurangzeb Khan, who works for a government-run utility, was among those killed, along with five relatives and seven guests.

Militants opposed to Pakistan's alliance with the United States have killed a large number of Pakistani officials in tribal regions in recent years.

Fighting between pro-Taleban militants and Pakistani security forces killed eight people in Tank district earlier this month.