Suicide Car Bomber Kills 12 Soldiers South of Baghdad

Iraqi military officials say a suicide bomber drove a truck into a checkpoint south of Baghdad Saturday, killing at least 12 Iraqi soldiers and wounding 30 others.

The checkpoint was protecting an Iraqi army base outside the city of Iskandariyah, about 60 kilometers from Baghdad. Frequent attacks by insurgents have given the area the nickname, the "triangle of death."

In the capital, a car bomb that exploded near a police patrol killed at least four people and wounded seven others earlier Saturday.

The U.S. military says an attack on a detention facility, Camp Bucca, in southern Iraq killed six civilian detainees and wounded more than 50 others.

American officials also report a U.S. helicopter spotted and killed two insurgents as they drove away from a site where they had planted a roadside bomb.

In other action, coalition forces say they killed five suspected members of the "al-Qaida in Iraq" terrorist group and detained 11 others during raids near Fallujah, Taji and in Baghdad Saturday.

A military statement also reports a U.S. soldier was shot and killed in Diyala Province Saturday.

In Baghdad, Iraqi police say they have found the remains of another 24 people, victims of apparent sectarian attacks.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.