Coalition Forces in Iraq Detain Alleged Militants With Ties to Iran

The U.S. military in Iraq says its troops have detained three militants in Baghdad's Shiite Sadr City who are suspected of having ties to Iran.

Separately, the military says its soldiers killed seven terrorists and detained another 10 suspects during operations Saturday and Friday.

A military statement says troops have conducted raids and seized weapons and munitions around Tikrit, Fallujah and Baghdad.

The U.S.-led coalition announced Saturday that a detainee died at a military prison hospital on Friday from wounds he sustained during an insurgent attack on that detention facility.

He is the eighth detainee to die as a result of the June 9 attack on Camp Bucca. The military says more than 60 detainees and one Iraqi correctional officer were wounded in that attack.

Also, the U.S.-led coalition said seven soldiers were killed Saturday in three separate attacks in Iraq.

Two U.S. soldiers were killed and three others were wounded in Baghdad when their unit was struck by a roadside bomb, and militants opened fire on the troops.

Northwest of the capital, four American soldiers were killed and their Iraqi interpreter was wounded when a bomb exploded near their vehicle.

And, in Tikrit, a U.S. airman died from wounds from another bomb explosion.

In another development, the U.S. military said it is investigating the death of a soldier who it says died of a non-battle-related cause today.

Saturday is the fifth day of a major U.S.-led military operation to clear al-Qaida militants from Diyala province, north of the capital.