British PM Calls for International Registry for Terror Suspects

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown says he wants a European registry of known and suspected terrorists so that information can be shared internationally.

Mr. Brown told British television Sky News Sunday that information about terrorist recruitment in one country should be readily available to other governments.

The prime minister's comments came as Britain's new security minister Alan West warned that Britain faces a 15-year battle against Islamist extremism. In published comments, West also urged Britons to inform authorities about suspicious activities.

Saturday, British authorities charged an Iraqi doctor Bilal Abdulla with conspiracy to cause explosions, in connection with last month's alleged plot to set off car bombs in London and the Scottish capital, Glasgow.

A second suspect remains hospitalized with severe burns incurred when the accused bombers rammed a vehicle packed with gasoline and gas canisters into the Glasgow's airport's main entrance.

Seven others linked to the London and Glasgow events are in custody, but have not yet been charged. Six suspects are in British detention, while a seventh is jailed in Australia. Australian authorities say suspect Muhammad Haneef was detained Monday as he tried to depart Brisbane's airport with a one-way ticket.

Australian police have detained and released five Indian doctors after questioning them about the alleged bomb plot. Police have ordered that the men remain in country and available for questioning.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.

(ap, reuters, afp, prev)