Iraq Increases Security Ahead of Championship Soccer Match

Iraqi officials say they have stepped up security measures ahead of the Asia Cup final match between Iraq and Saudi Arabia to be played in Jakarta Sunday.

After last week's semi-final victory against South Korea, 50 people were killed and 130 others wounded by two car bombs, when thousands of Iraqis poured into the streets to celebrate.

Authorities have announced a vehicle ban in parts of Iraq ahead of the game

Outside the capital, U.S. military officials said coalition forces killed eight terrorists and detained 22 other suspects during operations Sunday targeting al-Qaida members across central Iraq.

The military also says the troops killed seven terrorists and detained one person during an operation near Muqudadiyah Wednesday and Thursday.

Earlier, U.S. military said coalition forces captured 16 suspected terrorists in raids Saturday targeting al-Qaida in Iraq.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.