Gordon Brown to Make First US Visit as British Prime Minister

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown visits the United States Sunday for the first time since replacing Tony Blair as Britain's leader last month.

Mr. Brown is scheduled to arrive at the Camp David U.S. presidential retreat outside Washington in rural Maryland early this evening for talks with President Bush.

Some observers have predicted that the relationship between the U.S. president and the new British prime minister would not mirror the close relationship shared by Mr. Bush and Mr. Blair. But Mr. Brown's office issued a statement Saturday affirming the importance to Britain of its bond with the United States.

The two leaders will discuss various issues, including Britain's involvement in the Iraq coalition.

Mr. Brown has resisted talk of a British withdrawal, and officials in London say there has been no change in policy.

After his meetings at Camp David, Prime Minister Brown will travel to New York for talks with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Mr. Brown is also scheduled to address the U.N. General Assembly.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.