Ahmadinejad Defends Iran's Right to Produce Nuclear Power

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has again defended his country's right to develop nuclear energy.

At a news conference during a visit to Algeria, Ahmadinejad Tuesday denounced nations for trying to isolate his country over its nuclear program.

The United States and its allies accuse Iran of trying to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charge, saying its program is aimed at producing energy.

On Monday, U.S. President George W. Bush said the Ahmadinejad government is "a big disappointment" and is causing the Iranian people to be further isolated.

Iran has rejected U.N. Security Council resolutions requiring it to stop enriching uranium.

However, Iran recently agreed to allow U.N. atomic energy agency inspectors to view a sensitive nuclear facility to help resolve questions about its nuclear plans.

A U.N team arrived in Iran this week to develop a plan for future inspections.