Interview - VOA Persian Service Staff

New York City Police have denied a request by Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to visit the site of the former World Trade Center, where the September 11 attacks took place in 2001, during his current trip to U.S. to speak at the United Nations. President Bush said he understands why the police took the action they did and reiterated his contention that Iran is a state sponsor of terrorism. No matter what the opinions may be about President Ahmadinejad, Amin Fekrat of the VOA Persian Service tells News Now's Steve Norman, he believes denying Mr. Ahmadinejad access to the site of the 2001 terrorist attacks is a missed opportunity.

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Ramadan, the holiest month of Islam, is underway and this year happens to come at the same time Americans are remembering the September 11, 2001, terror attacks that were carried out in the name of Islam. President Bush took the occasion to send greetings to the people of Islam, saying the United States is enriched by its Muslim citizens. There are an estimated six million Muslims in the United States. There is also a portion of Americans who don't trust Muslims and believe their intentions are to destroy the United States. Amin Fekrat says most Muslims are trustworthy and people of peace.

Amin Fekrat has been with the VOA Persian Service for more than 20 years. He earned his Ph.D. at Indiana University and before coming to VOA, he was Chairman and Dean of Psychology at Iran's Ferdowsi University.