Putin Says He Will Run for Parliament

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will head the country's dominant United Russia Party's list in December's parliamentary elections.

Mr. Putin told a party congress in Moscow Monday that suggestions he could become Russia's future prime minister were "realistic." But he said the pro-Kremlin party first must win the parliamentary election, and a decent, modern person must be chosen president in next year's vote.

The statements are the strongest indication yet of Mr. Putin's future plans after he concludes his second term as president next year. Russia's constitution bars him from seeking a third consecutive term.

Sunday, the country's opposition alliance, Other Russia, nominated democracy activist and former world chess champion Garry Kasparov as its candidate in next year's presidential elections.

Kasparov told reporters Monday that his bid is mostly symbolic because he expects the Kremlin to keep him out of the vote.

Some information for this report provided by AFP, Reuters and AP.