Ukrainian President Urges Parties to Present Coalition Proposals Within 5 Days

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko has asked the parties represented in the newly-elected parliament to come up with proposals for a new coalition government within five days.

Parties linked to the reformist president, the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc and the Our Ukraine - Self-Defense Coalition emerged with a very narrow majority of parliamentary seats in last month's vote.

But Mr. Yushchenko also invited representatives of the Regions Party, the Communists, and the Lytvyn party to Monday's talks. Following the vote, the Ukrainian leader urged creation of a broad governing coalition.

The Regions Party leader, outgoing Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, who favors closer ties with Russia, has insisted that his supporters, as members of the largest single party in parliament, should have the right to form a government.

On other issues, Mr. Yushchenko insisted that all security agencies be subordinated to the president.

This would overturn legislation adopted by the previous parliament transferring many of the powers of the president to the prime minister.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and Reuters.