Forensic Experts Exhume More Bodies From Mass Grave in Bosnia

Bosnian authorities say forensic experts have exhumed the bodies of more than 220 victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre from a mass grave in eastern Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Bosnian official Murat Hurtic says the grave, discovered three weeks ago, contained 34 complete skeletons and the partial remains of 192 others in the village of Zeleni Jadara, 15 kilometers south of Srebrenica. He said bullets and some personal documents also were recovered.

Hurtic said many of the skeletons were crushed, indicating the victims had been killed elsewhere and their bodies reburied with bulldozers. He also said experts will open another mass grave in the same area next week.

The systematic killings by Bosnian Serbs of up to 8,000 Muslim men and boys is considered an act of genocide and the worst massacre in Europe since World War II.

So far, about 3,000 remains have been identified and reburied. The partial remains of 5,000 more victims are still waiting to be identified.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.