Afghan Officials: NATO Air Strike Kills at Least 11 Civilians

Local Afghan leaders say a NATO air strike near the capital, Kabul, has killed at least 11 civilians and wounded 10 others.

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force says it bombed an insurgent position Monday in the Jalrez district of Wardak province.

NATO forces say they carried out the air strike against nearly 50 militants who were planning an ambush.

Members of the Wardak provincial council say the civilian deaths include 11 members of the same family. But NATO forces say they have no reports yet of any civilian casualties. At least 20 suspected insurgents were killed.

Also Tuesday, U.S.-led coalition forces say at least one child and five militants were killed after rebels fired on troops from a tent in the southern province of Zabul.

And NATO's International Security Assistance Force says one soldier was killed and two others wounded today in fighting with insurgent extremists in eastern Kunar province. The NATO troops were engaged in an operation to disrupt extremist activity in the rugged, mountainous region.

NATO and U.S. troops are battling a resurgent Taliban presence. The group increasingly has used suicide attacks, roadside bombs and kidnappings since a U.S.-led invasion removed it from power in late 2001.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.