Poland's Next Prime Minister Desires Withdrawal From Iraq

Polish prime minister-designate Donald Tusk says he wants to pull Polish troops out of Iraq next year.

In an interview Wednesday with a daily newspaper, Polska, Tusk is quoted as saying his new government would want to finish the mission of the 900 troops still in Iraq.

Tusk also said he wants to continue good relations with Washington, but needs more information before deciding whether to back U.S. plans to build part of a European missile defense system in Poland. He says he wants to know if housing 10 U.S. interceptor missiles in Poland increases or diminishes security.

In Washington, a White House spokeswoman, Dana Perino, expressed appreciation for the cooperation of countries working with the U.S. led coalition in Iraq. She said the United States understands the difficulties in continuing the troop presence, but stressed their importance in guaranteeing security.