Russia: Iran Makes Progress on Nuclear Issue, But Has More to Do

Russia's foreign ministry says a U.N. nuclear agency report on Iran shows Tehran has made progress in clarifying its past nuclear activities.

But a foreign ministry spokesman, Mikhail Kamynin, said Monday the report is not a "final positive diagnosis" on Iran's nuclear program.

He says that so far, the International Atomic Energy Agency cannot confirm the absence of undeclared activities in Iran. The Russian spokesman says Iran still has to do a lot in cooperating with the agency.

He also urged Tehran to suspend uranium enrichment as demanded by the U.N. Security Council, calling such a step "substantially important."

E.U. foreign policy chief Javier Solana is urging Iranian officials to meet him this week for nuclear talks. Solana is due to present a report on Iran's nuclear ambitions to six world powers by the end of November.

The IAEA said in its report last week that Iran has made substantial progress in disclosing details of its past nuclear activities, but that Tehran continues to defy U.N. Security Council demands to stop uranium enrichment.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.