Palestinian Medics Say Two Hamas Police Killed in Israeli Air Strike in Gaza

Palestinian medics say an Israeli air strike in the Gaza Strip has killed two policemen with the Islamic militant group Hamas.

The medics say at least six others were wounded in the strike Wednesday in the southern Gaza town of Khan Younis.

Israel confirmed an air strike, saying it had been carried out against a Hamas position after rockets or mortars were fired at Israel from the territory.

Separately, Palestinian police in the West Bank city of Hebron clashed with demonstrators at the funeral for a man killed Tuesday in demonstrations against the Mideast conference in Annapolis, Maryland.

Witnesses say several people were wounded when police fired into the air Wednesday to disperse thousands of people after mourners began throwing stones at security personnel.

The demonstrator was killed Tuesday in Hebron as police fired in the air to disperse protesters.

Also Tuesday, a much larger, but mostly peaceful, demonstration took place in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, where tens of thousands of Palestinians protested the Annapolis conference.

Hamas was not invited to the U.S.-hosted conference, and it does not recognize Israel. Hamas has called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas a traitor to the Palestinian people.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.